
just some random thoughts

ZFS Pool migration to another Disk

In this Article I want you to show, how you can migrate your data from a ZFS-Pool to another or copy a entire Pool to a new Pool (e.g. if you have a single-Disk-Pool and want to migrate to a Mirror or Raidz with bigger Harddisks).

  • The manual …
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install Oracle JDK and JRE under OpenSUSE with integration to Firefox

First, download and install the rpm-Package from: https://www.java.com/de/download/linux_manual.jsp

Everything seems fine, you dont have to add anything to your $PATH but if you want to use the Java-Plugin in Firefox you have to add a symlink:

ln -s /usr/java/jre1.7.0_07 …

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Remove Comments from configuration-files

  • In VIM: :%g/^#/d

  • On the Shell: grep -v '^&\|^#' file.conf

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Autostart and stop Virtualbox VMs on a Solaris 10+ hosts

It’s a verry annoing thing, that Virtualbox hasn’t implemented a function to start and stop the VMs when the hosts is going down. The problem is, that if you poweroff your host and forget to shutdown all your VMs they will be simply killed. Because of this, man …

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VBox Kernel-Module are not loaded (e.g. during Kernel upDate).

On Solaris simply do:


On Linux do:

/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup
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cleaning up your disks on solaris

I’m sure most of you know this, but for those who don’t:

If you have multiple Boot Environments (BE), e.g. created by an software installation or upgrade, than it isn’t possible to remove a few snapshots. This is because a BE is simply a clone of …

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